Embracing new trends of schooling amidst pandemic

Everything has been changed because of the pandemic. In a new normal, the actual classroom face to face learning scenario transformed in different ways. Because of the threat of Coronavirus to our health, face to face is only the last choice depending on the community status and statistics. Now, you can choose one of the learning modalities under distance learning preferable to the learners' need.

Online Distance Learning

Virtual learning is an option to continue schooling. This is an online distance learning platform through the use of internet and computer. You can also use the laptop, cellphone, and tablet to get access to learning. Your home-based online teacher will help the learning process. This is applicable only to those who have internet and gadget at home.

Modular Distance Learning

Modular learning is another way to continue schooling. The Department of Education (DepEd) will give modules to be used by the learners who have no access with the internet and unable to provide the gadgets intended for learning. The teacher will monitor the learners' progress. You can ask help to your teacher via e-mail, telephone, text message/instant messaging, etc. The family members will serve as para-teacher.

You can choose either virtual learning or modular depending on your choice applicable to your ability.